The client is a leading manufacturer and marketer of branded consumer foods, who sells across retail outlets in North America.
Tenzai adopted the Purpose Driven AI approach to develop an AI-empowered marketing mix solution for the client.
As a first step, an analytics data mart was built by integrating data from multiple data sources like promotion data, retail POS data, digital campaigns, competition sales and campaigns etc.
Machine learning was developed to measure the impact of baseline variables and target promotional variables on the outcome variable.
The model was overlaid with an optimization engine that enabled business users to configure constraints to deliver an optimal marketing mix.
Business users could evaluate promotions based on multiple parameters like volume, margin contribution, new launch lift, share impact, shopper lift etc.
An intuitive web-based tool was developed to help the business users input different values and simulate multiple scenarios.
The AI-powered marketing mix solution was comprehensive in scope, covering all phases of market mix modelling like pre-planning, planning and execution.
The solution with its powerful simulation and optimization capabilities helped the business quantify the relationship between multiple variables, channels and business outcomes.